
Sustainable Youth Digital Innovation (SYDI) Part 1. Series A.

There need for nation founding fathers to think about How do we get our youth on roundtable of decision making process to integrate their innovation and promote youthfulness equal gender participatory role in global economy it critical that informed us at the leaders hub to reinvent this topic Looking at the digital era and forward what could be Its clear that the current global economy problem defer the rudimentary approach, now addressing it entails using innovative and dynamic approach holistically and persistently. This is a clear show that youth should be at frontier part to most solve global economy issues but before then may i pause to ask this question ''Are you actually ready'' in the coming day we will send out questionnaire to get public opinion and then we can then dig deep into the subject matter. To cap it all we have seen some youth are ready and available to take bold step but needs support from their communities to step forward and take front site but

Quality Education Fundamental for Nations Building

History had it that the most developed cities in the world today research depict  have invested huge on educational sector. Lets take a case study For instance the No.1 best global university till date Harvard University is in US is premium example, being world power in both economy and human capital development for decades. This short article is made to send signal to developing nation to look inward into their institutional development as essential tools and get its citizen on roundatable to unravel the potentials and attract foreign aids for future opportunity. This means educational sector should be given first hand treatment priority through making education affordable and available to all its citizens at all time and in every level and also beyond that international communities as well. As we all might know educational system thrives holistically all other sector of economy through self-pace institution and multifaceted engagement and social cultural awareness. The nations decis

Global Effects of Racial Profiling on Social Stability in Developed Nations

Truth most be told in the past the mistake of racial profiling has cost some great nation opportunities to diversify their social cultural heriate and multifacted company loss skillful labourer, its serious threat to national unity and corporation that other countries must learn from although it may seem to be nothing more than a mere inconvenience at onset. However, racial profiling is much more than a hassle social chaos. It has long negative direct consequences not just on the nations its practice but the entire nations that heavily depend on its social and economic power. We must take note diversity, unity and mutual respect to all culture unit faster than dialogue and peace keeping plan which of course is costly to maintain. So which is better to huge nation wealth to build stability and achieve liitle or to accept people and allow them support you build your empire? In notwithstanding here are some of the experiences the subject of discussion may bring to its citizen in a long r

Intellectual Map as a Means of Forming Language Competence in the Study

 There is this most anxious language learners that feel uncomfortable when speaking or listening to the new language with intense consideration, but some language learners also find writing or even reading to be anxiety-provoking as well. 3.) We should continue to encourage Learner Beliefs Beliefs about language learning are important because they influence actively how students approach language learning and the language learning strategies that they choose to use on daily basis. Its worth noting that many language learners, for example, they think that they are too old to learn a foreign language well. Some believe the teachers are more concerned about the lessons that they do not pay sufficient attention to their learner's needs. 4.)Timing. Learning a foreign language requires an individual's time and patience. when learning a new language an individual must devote at least 2 hours or more a day practicing new words (10-20 per day) and learning how to construct sentences. li

Innovative Entrepreneurs Key to Diversification of Economy

We can testify  technology is game changer of of digital economy through skill set to thrive as well empowered sustainably, this has led to slow economy grow of any developing nation and more business collaspe as the result. Until those in roundtbale decision learn to support this enterpreneurs to acquire digital skills, the nation chance to boost its economy will be subject to debate on. Its clear and verify that What make a great nation is not strong men and women but a nation where human effort is maximize positively and its citizen needs are meant as when due and plans are made for future generation to enjoy more sustainable prosperity of nation natural endownment and resources.

Farmers and Herdsmen Conflict and Resolution

> Article Compiled by UCHECHI KENNEDY and Edited by The Leaders Hub Team Nomadic harder’s have moved across the northern Nigeria. The harder’s are Fulani who cut across the West and Central Africa, with their largest concentration in Nigeria. The Fulani can be divided into two main categories: the (semi) nomadic and transhumant pastoral lists, who raise cattle and sheep. Farmers and Harder’s have been coexisting now. The harder’s move to the north in the raining season allow the farmers to cultivate their crops. And during dry season Harder’s come back to the south to graze their cattle’s and sheep’s of the left over from the farmer’s farm. The farmers and Harder’s coexist happily in the past. However, the loss of traditional grazing land to drought arid desertification, has force many of those pastoralists to move south into green communication in the river Basin of Benue state, plateau, Taraba state. This nomadic moving southward from west and Africa are armed. The Armed Fu

There is Need for Proper Education for a Girl Child

The Leaders Hub conducted survey on how Nigeria can better support Female folk both in Education and Career wish, so lets listen to what young female child are saying in their respective opinion. The Leaders hub will continue to create space for the marginalize group to air their view in regards to raising skills and intellectual female leader to balance power shift among the two folk.


Article Written by Uchechi Kennedy Compiled by The Leaders Hub Team Girl child education contributes to the development of a society economy. The girl child is a female child from birth to eighteen (18 years) of age. It is a year before a girl child becomes an adult. The girl child has been seen as a weaker vessel who do not have right to be educated. Educating girls enhances growth rates and reduces social disparities. But in recent times, according to the civilization age, the girl child education is very important to the growth of an economy that is, enlightening the whole country making them have an equal participant in being educated for civilization sake and growth, development of women have been called the weaker sex in other to prove societal discrimination and oppression against them. They are to remain silent, do all manner of house work, bear children and do all manner of hard work each day. The girl child are not heard both in private and in the public places of dec


ARTICLE TITLE: IMPACTS OF PLASTICS TO ENVIRONMENT AND ITS SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT AUTHORED BY JOHN JULIUS USMAN Edited and Published by 'The Leaders Hub' 13th October, 2021 What is plastic? Plastic is define as a materials that contains an essential ingredient which are made up if organic substance of large molecular weight. They are polymers of long carbon chains. Plastic was discovered by a famous German Chemist. Christian Schonbein in 1846. Plastic were discovered accidentally. Christian was performing in the kitchen and by accident he spilt a mixture of nitric acid and sulphuric acid. To mop the solution, he took a cloth and after moping he kept it over the store.After sometime, the cloth disappeared and form their plastic got its name. Types of plastics Plastic are divided into two types depending on it physical properties. They are as follows: i. Thermoplastic = They are plastic that can be deformed easily upon heating and can be bent easily linear polymers and a

Lyceum College Students Abeokuta Shared Messages of Hope to Celebrate Nigeria @ 61

The Students Leadership Club of Lyceum College, Abeokuta Ogun State celebrated Nigeria @ 61 in another level The club which was initiated by Ambassador Comrade Olawale Awaye who happened to be a teacher in the college had 16 students as members of the students leadership club. On Thursday 30th of September, 2021; the club organized first leadership talks tagged: Rebuilding Nigeria and have Ambassador Praise Tochi Edeh (Dean, Nigeria Prize for Leadership Ambassadors) from Abuja as their guest speaker . The event which was held on zoom was officially opened by the college vice principal academics, Mr Shofolahan immediately after the national prayer. The event was a colorful, interesting, fun and educative one. Three members of the club namely; Ola-Williams Jubilee, Babatunde Rhoda and Adesina Anike sends message of hope and love to celebrate Nigeria at 61. Jubilee, a grade 10 student and a member of the club in her presentation titled Our Land described Nigeria as a land onc